My old friends request me to make graphic for t-shirt.
They want all the design of t-shirt finish before the end of april.
All four illustrates will be use for graphicbook.
But i'm not sure when it release.
And it still has one pair of paper for my interview.
I feel so good with this friends'er wall.
At the first these characters are create for 1st codeline's party.
After that other friends had see it and ask me for them too.
for this time i have all 19...and more soon.
Where are you check it yourself.
This time comming...
Time to update my blog...
with same problem...I have decided to up my blog for many times
but everytime i try to do that...
It has two things always warning to me.
For this two topic are very big problem
My operation in my head is always ask me for two of this
when i try to up my second story...
Why in english...i try for who
What the first topic for introduction...
Why Why What What...
During this row it no have something makesense.
I'm so worry about blog in future very much.
Hello everybody my name is Kongkij.
The reason that i try to open this blog.
Cause i want to communicate with friends in the world.
Before this blog i have another one is AZUJINUM.
That my old AKA... but i want to work for public.
Meaning of "AZUJI" is rude in one side for my country's communication.
That why i had changed.
I'm so weak in english.
But i'll try.
Oh... about me
I work about graphicdesign.
And my favorite type of graphic is characterdesign...
I'm tired to typing in english.
Much more to explain...and talk.
I'm absolutely sure some sentences that i type isn't direct to my intention.
I hope it will be better step by step...
Hope you enjoy!!!