Let's check my trip.
For this trip it has many things make me know meaning of travelling.
This trip for two days...Sat - Sun.
We started at 07.00 in morning at Pin-klao bridge.
And go to Bang-ka-pi to take another friend.
After that we rush to Pattaya cause we're late from plan for 30minutes.

First stop is at Joam-Tian beach to check in for rest.
And go to SattaHip to visit
On the way my friend's car lose back to bangkok way.
What going on!!!

These mascots look cool!!!


Near this place is next stop.

This place have cool stuff.
You can go in to "H.T.M.S. Chakrinaruebet" and go up to deck.

Rocker Hair's style!!!
Next stop i'm not sure because i'm forgot name of this Science's Center.
I know only this place is in order of Navy.
And from this place we can go to KoH Kham.
I'm almost no take photos cause this center in on hill.
I must go up this hill to check every centers on the way.
So tired!!!
On top of hill is the last center.
From this place i can see Koh Kham.
The place i can't go...

Island on right side is Koh Kham...
From here we will go to

On the way i'm pass

At Floating Market i forgot to take photo cause
i feel bore this place it has notthing.
This market represent four regions of thailand.
But decoration are use same symbol same style same same same.
Everthing look repeat repeat repeat.
I can't touch feeling of north, south or other.

And last stop of this day is "KHAO KHEW OPEN ZOO".
On the way to Khao Khew from pattaya.
We got a big problem.
My friend's car is nearly empty gas.
Last night safari trip is 20.00.
We find for gas station.
It get long time cause in country there has less gas station.
If you stay in place that no have gas station.
You must go so far for find its.
On the way with Dark sky.
Finally we go so far to Nong-Mon market.
I can't explain in eng. I'll try.
Because this situation make me understand meaning of travelling.
You can see a time 19.36.
And distance counter 32.1 km. for go back to the place we came from.
Need for Speed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We keep it in time.
20.05 .
Oh my god!!!

This is deers gangster.
I'm so disappointed cause night safari of Khao Khew is use
same way and same place like on day.
So boring!!!
End of trip for today.
We go out from Khao Khew to Mum-A-Roy restaurant.
I recomment these restaurant.
Good visual, Good taste, Good sound and Good service.
This restaurant is on small cliff close the beach.
They design area by make step floors from cilff to the beach.
Every floors have place for dining.
Good food and good service everybody active and politeness.
Storm come...
We move from beach to indoor.
Everybody bit soak...
And no way out only wating storm gone...

This is cool stuff of this restaurant.
They have big aquarium with enormous fishes.
Such as arapaima , catfish , alligator fish and alligator turtle .
All of them're in enormous size that they can grow.
We wait until dribbling.
We came back from Sri-Ra-Cha to Joam-Tian beach at Pattaya.
So Tired!!!
In next morning we get up at 07.00.
To arrive cross bay to Koh Laan at 08.00.
And front view from my eye on the way to Koh Laan is Lifesuits.
Cause we came late... No seat for us.

We came back to land side at 12.30 and go back to check out.

My lunch.
This's second blow.
After the sea we met the pool.

Afternoon we go to "
And dinner with pizza restaurant on little hill.

Lot's of things.
Time to go home.
See you next trip!!!
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Hey! I miss Thailand! I miss The beach!! I miss yen-ta-to! I miss you guys!!! :(
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